
Kelly’s mishap

This is an update on my Anthurium scherzerianum ‘Kelly’. Yesterday, I found my plant in this state:

…something munched the mottled spathes. On further inspection, I found the culprit; it was a brown slug we called dila-dila in vernacular (a descriptive word for tongue.)  Also, I  saw some slug eggs among the potting medium. tsk..tsk.. and to think I thought this garden critter was harmless…

unwelcome garden visitor

Anthurium scherzerianum ‘Kelly’

Meet Kelly, my Anthurium scherzerianum plant. Each of its mottled-red greenish spathe is about 6 inches long and 5 inches wide; each curly golden-yellow spadix is about 7 inches long and 5mm in diameter.

When this Anthurium scherzerianum came to my garden via Manila last October 2011, I thought that the single spathe attached to the plant was a fake; that it was just sprayed on with red paint to have a mottled effect. However, Kelly proved me wrong with a series of new inflorescence (new spathes sprout non-stop since October 2011); it turns out that each  spathe has a different mottling effect.


Lactobacillus for my plants

With the Philippines still in wet season, I always pray for a sunny Saturday because that’s my usual schedule for spraying fertilizer to my plants. Presently, I’m using a locally made brand labelled as Indigenous Micro Organism (IMO); the Oroquieta City Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Project promotes it as an Eco-friendly product.

[I threatened Sopronia (my orchid dealer who recommended it) for a sound ear-bashing if my orchids would have a negative reaction to IMO…] So after checking for a favorable weather (whether it’s going to rain later in the day or in the evening), I followed the prescribed ratio (2 tbsp of IMO = 1 liter of water) and sprayed it first on my orchids in intensive care. After 7 days, I  saw several improvements such as the sprouting of new roots and shoots, and invigorated stems and leaves…as if my sick plants were given a new lease in plant life.

Dendrobium,Anthuriums,Oncidium in intensive care

I guess the photosynthetic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria really do wonders for plant health… However, there is one thing which I do not like about this product —  it initially smells like poop. However, after less than an hour, the odor would dissipate. Well, what do you expect with organic…


Anthuriums in bloom

The wet season brings out nice blooms to my Anthuriums. Most of my friends think that the thick and waxy heart-shaped colorful spathes are the flowers. (Well, I guess that’s the common misconceptions about these tropical plants.) The spathes are just modified leaves developed by these plant to attract and fool the humans. The actual flowers are really on the spadix — about a hundred or more minute blossoms cover the spadix. Anyway, here are some photos of my Anthurium‘s inflorescence. Enjoy!

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Miniature Pink Anthurium

This is the sole survivor of my miniature Anthuriums. And its small pink spathe with red/yellow spike bloomed last June 16. The last time I checked on it, the flower is still there.

Years ago, I’ve managed to collect five Anthurium plants of the small variety. They yield pink with red/yellow spike, white with red spike,white with red/yellow, lavender and red flowers. As miniatures, the maximum size of their spathe is under 3 inches and the stem length is about 3-7 inches long.

Like the regular varieties, my miniature Anthuriums like a shady spot and sufficient water in the morning. However, I’ve managed to kill four of them despite years of experience with planting Anthuriums. How? Well…for two reasons.

First, due to neglect. I’m preoccupied with my orchids and other favorite plant of the month that I failed to give the attention they needed. Neglect is always the primary way to kill a plant.

Second, their potting medium is wrong. Initially, I’ve potted these miniature plants with large chunks of coconut husks. It resulted with the death of the Anthurium with lavender flowers. So, I re-potted them using the black tree-fern as potting medium (commonly called anutong in Bisaya.) I regretted that decision when I discovered three of my four miniature plants died one after another. Again, I re-potted the last miniature Anthurium with sphagnum moss. It was a success for the plant thrive well.

Now, I know better what to do with my recently acquired miniature Anthurium plants.


Love is…

…seen best in nature. And one of the plants showing their hearts to the world is the Anthurium. Since 1980s, I’ve been planting some varieties of Anthuriums because of their heart-shaped flowers and ornamental leaves. Also, they have a long vase life of about six weeks (and even more depending on the variety and season.)

According to the flower experts, this herbaceous epiphyte is one of the most popular tropical plants with  more than 800 species!

Ahh…they give love in abundance…

Anyway, the one in the photo is a red Anthurium flower with a colorful spadix (a combination of white, pink and orange.)