
To sport with Amaryllis…

John Milton immortalized the name of this flower with his line “To sport with Amaryllis in the shade”.

And who wouldn’t admire the beauty of this large funnel-shaped flowers. The phenomenon is as exciting as fireworks when they start to bloom.

A bees’ eye-view of the center of the flower.


Orange Amaryllis

The resident stingless bees beat me to the flowers again for the nth time. Its the first day of June and its promising to be a cheerful  month ahead with my orange Amaryllis blooming early this morning.









Red Amaryllis Flowers

Most often, these beautiful red Amaryllis flowers are mistaken for lilies. Its flower stem is erect, 5-60 cm tall, 1-3 cm in diameter, and hollow; it also bears 4 large flowers at the apex, each flower 10-20 cm broad, with six brightly coloured tepals (three outer sepals, three inner petals, with similar appearance to each other).  This photo was taken at sunrise and the yellow color seen on the tepals is the result when rays of light pass through the flowers.