
Lactobacillus for my plants

With the Philippines still in wet season, I always pray for a sunny Saturday because that’s my usual schedule for spraying fertilizer to my plants. Presently, I’m using a locally made brand labelled as Indigenous Micro Organism (IMO); the Oroquieta City Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Project promotes it as an Eco-friendly product.

[I threatened Sopronia (my orchid dealer who recommended it) for a sound ear-bashing if my orchids would have a negative reaction to IMO…] So after checking for a favorable weather (whether it’s going to rain later in the day or in the evening), I followed the prescribed ratio (2 tbsp of IMO = 1 liter of water) and sprayed it first on my orchids in intensive care. After 7 days, I  saw several improvements such as the sprouting of new roots and shoots, and invigorated stems and leaves…as if my sick plants were given a new lease in plant life.

Dendrobium,Anthuriums,Oncidium in intensive care

I guess the photosynthetic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria really do wonders for plant health… However, there is one thing which I do not like about this product —  it initially smells like poop. However, after less than an hour, the odor would dissipate. Well, what do you expect with organic…


Wordless Wednesday: Nest and sparrows

There exist some evils so terrible and some misfortunes so horrible that we dare not think of them, whilst their very aspect makes us shudder; but if they happen to fall on us, we find ourselves stronger than we imagined, we grapple with our ill luck, and behave better than we expected we should.

– Jean de La Bruyere

I admire the resilience of the Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) living in my garden. They’re not pets but they’re always welcome to hang out here. Unlike some of my orchids that are currently in intensive care; they are able to deal with the wet season better than some of my air plants.  Every time heavy rains pour down and prevailing winds hit my hometown, they seek refuge at my mango tree.  Also, finding food is not a problem for them; they’re pals with the resident canines who are generous enough to share a portion of their meal for the birds.


My ‘Earth Stars’ in wet season

'Water Falls'
'Pink Starlite'
'Cafe Au Lait'

While some parts of the globe have fun under the summer sun, my garden endures the prevailing winds and downpour. It’s the peak of the wet season around here in the Philippines; while some of my plants gladly receive the rains, others “drown”. Some that unwelcome the wet season are my Cryptanthus plants.

Plant enthusiast give them nicknames such as Earth Stars or Starfish Plants due to their distinct shape and exotic colors. [Cryptanthus belongs to the Bromeliad family. Though the genus name “cryptos” (hidden) and “anthos” (flower) is Greek, the species are endemic to Brazil. (Wikipedia)] I acquired some species or hybrids of Earth Stars from the private gardens in Dalwangan and Camp Phillips, Bukidnon in the 1970’s.

'Ruby Star'
'Red Star'
'Green Star'

I’m often cautious when handling their foliage because their leaves are tooth-edged.These plants have rosette forms with about 6 to 20 colorful leaves. In addition, their leaves are about three to twelve inches in length with spoon-shaped, lance-shaped, or triangular shapes. Various Cryptanthus plants show an array of colors — pink to red background colors; strongly banded with sharp zigzag patterns or frosted with gray, white or bronze. The white (sometimes light green or pink) flowers appear in the center and from between the leaves, a few at a time.

Here’s some general description on my Cryptanthus plants:

  • ‘Waterfalls’ – The slightly wavy green leaves have yellowish irregular markings that resemble like falling water.
  • ‘Pink Starlite’ – All leaves have 5 stripes. The central stripe is olive-green or a paler hue; next, candy pink stripes on both sides; and at then maroon stripes at the edges.
  • ‘Cafe Au Lait’ – Each miniature leaves has the color of coffee-and-cream brown.
  • ‘Ruby Star’ – All leaves have 3 stripes; maroon stripes at the center and hot pink stripes at the edges.
  • ‘Red Star’ – Basically its leaves have at least 3 stripes; olive-green bands at the edges and rose-pink bands at the center. However, as each leaves mature, additional thins stripes of pinks and greens appear in between the central  and margin stripes.
  • ‘Green Star’ – All leaves have green stripes at the center and yellow-green to cream stripes as margins.
  • ‘Corrine’ – Each miniature leaves has ruby-red to rose-pink color.
  • ‘Zebrinus’ – All leaves have maroon central stripes and olive stripes at the edges. Also, silver-grey or white irregular markings appear across the leaves.
  • ‘Elaine’ – The leaves have maroon stripe at the center and hot pink stripes at the edges. Also, bronze zigzag patterns appear across the leaves.
  • ‘Ruby’ –  Its leaves 5 stripes; at the edges and center are dark maroon stripes ( This fades to green in poor light or dark olive-green in high light.), and 2 stripes appear on either side of the central stripe in rich ruby-red to rose-pink (This changes to cream or creamy green in low light).
matured 'Zebrinus'

These tropical plants definitely require sufficient sunlight. With too little light, their foliage color and strong markings fail to develop. On the other hand, too much light bleaches foliage colors. They’re happy when placed on areas where they could get morning or afternoon sun. They also perform well when grown on pots and placed among ferns or begonias. I often plant these terrestrials in at least five or six-inch pots filled with loose peat moss or organic material. I noticed that they accede well when given abundant fertilizers such as slow-release fertilizer or liquid fertilizer.

matured ‘Ruby’