Home, Orchids

Wordless Wednesday: Dendrobium hybrid

This Dendrobium orchid is one of the birthday gifts from Sopronia, an orchid delear. When she brought it last August 8, the plant had two sprays of green/purple flowers. I was so attracted to its flowers because of purple coloring on the petals and lips.

Alas, I found one spray on the ground last Monday morning. What to do? I simply put it in a tall vase with a little water. My daughter put some colorful bio-gel granules to add an interesting touch.


Anthuriums in bloom

The wet season brings out nice blooms to my Anthuriums. Most of my friends think that the thick and waxy heart-shaped colorful spathes are the flowers. (Well, I guess that’s the common misconceptions about these tropical plants.) The spathes are just modified leaves developed by these plant to attract and fool the humans. The actual flowers are really on the spadix — about a hundred or more minute blossoms cover the spadix. Anyway, here are some photos of my Anthurium‘s inflorescence. Enjoy!

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