
Pink popcorn

I was never successful with Begonias in the past. Back then (in 1970’s), my sister Alet and I garden-hopped in Bukidnon just to search for these beauties. Unfortunately, I’ve managed to kill my Begonia collection.

Last month, I decided to grow Begonias again when my daughter pointed out several varieties at Boging’s garden.  A pot was not enough; so,  I ended up with 10 varieties.  One of my favorites was the pink flowers shown in the photos above. My grand kids were amused with the plant’s flowers. They thought they looked like pink popcorns.


Yellow Tower Cactus in bloom

I’ve been checking on them since this morning, yet…the ants beat me to the flowers of my Yellow Torch Cactus (Parodia leninghausii).  I was so excited to see its yellow flowers again for they only bloom once a year in my upper garden.

Ferns and Mosses

Wordless Wednesday: tree-hugger fern


Euphorbia millii hybrids


Dendrobium nobile (purple)

this flower opened its fragrant petals early this morning

My grandson thought that this orchid is a “he” because its scented purple flowers  seem to have beards. In reply, I told him that it’s a distinctive look of Dendrobium nobile orchids… These showy orchid flowers could last up to 8 weeks or more (12 weeks maximum) depending on the care they’re given. (To prolong its blooms in my tropical garden, I have to transfer the plant to a safer location away from rain, direct sunlight and snails…)

P.S. – For nearly three months now, I was unable to post photos and stories due to some login issues. I told my daughter about it and she contacted Support the other day; they promptly replied and told her what to do. So, let me say thank you to Happiness Engineers of the WordPress Support Team for the help… More Power! 🙂


Thelocactus flowers

Thelocactus setispinus cactus is an eye-catcher to humans and insects alike. I mean who doesn’t give these flowers a second or third glance? Just look at it. It has a cheerful demeanor of a girl who just stepped out of a salon. Its flowers (7 cm wide) are silken glossy yellow with a red center the first day they bloom. The following day, they change their petal into a rosy color. And even if thelocactus doesn’t have flowers, it still looks interesting because its spine colors range from white and yellow through red all the way to brown.